Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 6 - A LoOoong Drive

We spent yet a whole 'nother day in the car. Well, technically the bus. It picked up each family member on my dad's side from different hotels in Saigon to head on over to the fiancee's hometown, which is 5 hours away!

Being such a long drive, it was inevitable that nature would come calling. And it did. But, it was either I pop a squat with them ladies or hold it for another hour. I chose the hold.

The next stop was for lunch so I used the restaurant's bathroom. I still had to pop a squat but at least it was private. No flush :(
Everyone just kinda ate their own thing. Some people had pho (like me) while others had bun bo, canh (soup), rice, fish & meat.

Our destination near Chi Tim's (the fiancee's) city is much poorer and dirtier than Saigon. The Hotel we stayed at was... well, lets just say it was no five-star hotel. The bathroom was literally a 4 x 4 foot shower room with a toilet and sink inside.

In the vietnamese culture, it is customary that the grooms friends and family bring gifts covered with some kind of red wrapper or cloth. According to wikipedia: "the gifts represent the wealth that the groom's family will bring to the bride's family. Gifts include betel, wine, tea, fruit, cakes, a roast pig, fabric or clothing for the bride, and an abundance of jewelry for the bride (the amount of jewelry depending on the personal wealth of the groom's family)."

So, one of the first we did after settling into our rooms was go out into the streets to buy some fruit, wine, tea and traditional wedding pastries. We got the pig and jewlery covered. (last minute, i know)

For dinner, we had more seafood. lol, there was a bunch of random dishes including soup with fish, calamari, pig intestines and eel (pictured).

Tomorrow is the first of 2 weddings. There will be another wedding back in Saigon on Saturday. Here's something really interesting:

Tomorrow we have to wake up at 4am. Why you ask? Cuz we cant hold the wedding in the afternoon cuz its wayyy to hot and we cant hold it at night cuz her hometown doesnt use electricity! Crazy huh?? They tell me she lives in a really poor area with full-on dirt floors in the houses... i'm excited to see what it looks like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you going to have a wedding in america