Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 10 - In the Countryside

When we got off the train at 9 am in the morning, we headed straight to our hotel. Hotel Hai Au in Quy Nhon was the most luxurious of all the hotels we've stayed at in Vietnam so far, its cheaper too!
After we showered and dressed, we drove to my grandmas house in the countryside. Her house is old and shabby looking. Her house had NO air conditioning and it was HOTT, i was dieing! There was a whole room dedicated to the worshipping and praying to our ancestors and some god.

Here's Chi Tim and Anh Trieu doing their thang. You bow down and stand up like 4 times.

Then I had to do it. I couldn't keep a straight face and i think i over-exaggerated on whole ritual. Like, when you bow down, youre supposta go slow and steadily, but i like fell to the ground and did everything all fast (look how sweaty i got). Everyone was laughing at me.

Then the family and my grandma's helpers cooked lunch. There was a lot of food.

O look, more food... We're all glistening. Again, it was really hot.

This is really exciting. This is a video of a plant that grows in the back of my grandma's house. It moves when you touch it!! I said it was called an embarrassed plant in the video but i meant "shy"

I wanted a guava so my uncle climbed a big tree to get me one. It was intense, he was up there for the longest cuz there were like no ripe ones. He eventully found a small one.. but i never ate it (i didnt wanna get sick).

Then a lady parked in front of the house and sold Chè Dau Hu
(hot silken tofu with coconut milk and ginger flavored liquid cane sugar)

Here we all are enjoying a hot dessert on a humid day after an unexpected thunder storm.
Do you see me?

Then we decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood. We came across a tree bearing sweet red berries. My brother used to eat them all the time when he was young.
He called them trứng cá (fish eggs) cuz when you squeeze it, the insides look like tiny whitish pink fish eggs.


Then dinner came.
It got dark so we had to eat by candlelight. How primative.

This was taken the day after my grandma's. Remember when told you guys that mosquitoes liked my blood. Well they especially liked the blood on the back of my legs.

Right now I'm itching like CRAZYY!! ughh..


Anonymous said...

yeah never like the taste of durian.. never even could stand the smell... yeah i know the feeling about mosquito bites.. when i was in HK, i get bitten everywhere.. same as i was in hilo, hawaii.. neways.. my aunt lives in a farm in hk. and yeah.. lots of primitive things over there too....neways..we live in cali.. and so used to a/c... wait to u go travel to europe... italy doesnt have a/c.. only fans.. and are limited to it.. 1 or 2 per hotel... most european countries do not believe in a/c... lol.. even the tour buses.. ok.. off topic... so 4 more days before u guys return.. cool!

Anonymous said...

haha thy! mosquitoes bites that looks discusting though so how did anh trieu wedding? oh and btw this i kimberly, you know kimberly phan lol

Anonymous said...

very bad pictures of ur leg by the way and aww i feel bad for the veteran man and hahahah ur mom got an eye lift