Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 12 - Wind-down Week

Sorry, i know i'm lagging but the wi-fi here sucks!

This week is pretty much a wind-down week. We're doing a lot of fun things to make the most of the last couple of days. I'm actually spending Anh Trieu and Chi Tim's honeymoon with them, haha.

My goal this week is to try to eat as much authentic Vietnamese street food as I can cuz i'm not gonna see much of it back in the US.

This morning, we went to get a full body massage. It was crazy!! They hopped on the table with you and literally used their whole body to massge you. In the end, they did this crazy maneuver where i ended on laying on top of their legs in the air... i swear every bone in my back cracked..

Later in the night, we went out to "drink coffee" with some friends. If you guys have been reading this blog since the beginning, we went to the same place as the very first time i had coffee. Its the 3 story coffee house and its called "Windows IV".

The girl is some random beggar who wanted to be in the picture.

I ordered the Malaysian coconut jello (the same one they had at the wedding). This one was more solid and waayy too sweet, i could tell they added sugar... the one at the wedding was better.
Afterwards, we went out to eat some seafood. We went to the same place for dinner as we did on Day 4 of our trip, only this time i actually took real photos rather than use the ones i found on the internet. We started off with sea snails.

These were a lot greener and slimier than the first time I had it. It was like I was slurping on BOOGERS! Sweet and Salty. Delicious. lol jk.

Then we had these.
And then big roasted shrimp thingy.
Then these. They were huge, size of your palm.

Then crab. My favorite part is sucking out their guts. MmmMmm..

Finished off with some old-fashioned fried rice.

Afterwards, we went to this night show held daily called MTV. Its where new and up coming talented and inspired people come to perform for free to a large audience. There were singers, comedians, dancers and more.

We sipped on Kahlua and ate some fruits while we watched.

Here's a video of some of the performances.
1st performer: I thought it was cool that he did the moonwalk, but it wouldve been cooler if he werent wearing heelys.
2nd performer: reminded of me Thao's mom, Co Ha.
3rd performer: cracked me up! They came out acting all cool and then they started to dance.. just watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u know that massage sounds wierd.. i have had a shaitsu massage in hk.. where they use thier legs to massage you while holding on polls. and no they dont break ur back.. but it's an awesome massage...neways.. wow the food looked yummy... and the mtv thing sounds awesome.. great to hear u guys are enjoyin urselves!! never had kahula. tho. ne good?