Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 16 - Last Day

I got all the videos to start working for the last 3 days, so watch them!

Aww.. Vietnam trip is coming to an end. The plane leaves in 6 hours (4pm Vietnam time) and i wont be home till like 1 am monday morning. right when i get home, i gotta hop in my car and go straight to UCSD cuz i gots school that morning. sucks...

i had a good trip. lots of good experiences and FOOD, haha. I'm kinda anxious to get home cuz i'm getting sooo many mosquito bites! i got like 10 more bites on my legs and arms since that picture that i posted and the itching is killing me.

Brittany: "When you went to Vietnam, which place was better? saigon or qui nghon?"

Well, technically, I'm still in Vietnam. haha. But, here's a lil pros and cons list if your interested.

Quy Nhon:

- Cleaner Streets

- Nearby Beach
- Less Crowded
- More Luxurious Hotel
- Cleaner Air
- Cheaper Stuff
- More to do
- More People = More Street Vendors = More Street Food
- More Shopping Places

iunno both places had their own pros and cons.. good question though, brittany.

Here's a lil video that i think i forgot to show. its me giving a beggar girl money. I think she'd be real pretty if she wasnt homeless and dirty.


Anonymous said...

wow i never met ur family.. but ur dad acts like ur bro. wow..

Anonymous said...

hey thy its was your last day :[
from kimberly

Anonymous said...