Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 14 - Crazy Traffic & Seashore Shopping

We started the day off with a big bowl of Bún bò for breakfast.

On our way back from eating, we passed by a lady selling fruits and assorted potatoes.. I had to buy some. I love potatoes.

Lookit how pretty and vibrant the purple one is! The yellow one is khoai mi aka cassava/yucca. Did you know they use the powder form of yucca to make tapioca??

For lunch we had
Canh Chua Cá Lóc (sweet & sour catfish soup), sườn heo (braised pork ribs), stir-fried veggies, frog legs, and shrimp with rice.

Then we stopped by to buy some Bánh Tét Chuối. It's a baby banana wrapped in gluttonous rice and steamed inside a banana leaf. The steaming process magically turns the banana purple.

Then we were off to the beach for a little stroll and clubbing for the older people. It took us waayyy longer than expected to get there cuzza the crazy traffic. We were like stuck..

We bought some Nước mía (sugar cane juice) from the car, since we were right next to the lady selling it
Looks like 'dis.

This is when the traffic got really crazy. We were seriously in the same spot for almost an hour. Notice in the video the change from light to dark. Anh Trieu and Anh Bi got fed up and got out of the car to direct traffic. Seriously, the streets of vietnam are really unorganized.

We stopped by this long strip along the highway where they're known for selling Bánh bao (steamed pork buns). Personally, i thought these were okay. Too small and mushy. I've had better.

When we arrived at the beach, we did a little shopping.

Anh Trieu and Anh Bi played this cute little shooting game to win some candy.

The prize was pulled taffy candy filled with peanuts (similar in taste to Abba-Zabas) called kẹo kéo.

Here's a video of the people making our beach stroll snacks.

Then we sat down to eat the grilled squid and fried fish balls.

We rented a shabby old hotel room. It was horrible. There were blood stains on the wall and pee marks on the pillows. Even worse, i woke up to a cockroach crawling on my chest. I freaked out, but there was no one home to hear my screams :( .. they were all out clubbing. But waddaya expect for a $25 room.

The older peeps got back from clubbing at around 1am and did not wanna have to sleep over at the cheap hotel so we decided to go back to Saigon immediately. But before we left the beach, they all had the munchies (side-effects of drunkeness =b) so we stopped to eat.

Chao (rice porridge) with beef tongue.

Haha, lookit Anh Bi.


Anonymous said...

im pretty sure one crawled in ur mouth while u were sleeping

Anonymous said...

wow.. u guys know where to go.. i prolly would have to hire one of u to give me a tour of vietnam... damn.. u ever need a Hong Kong Tour guide.. im here.. or european tour guide.. lol.. hit me up.. wow the food looks great.. sugar cane drink.. good?? not so good in HK.. dont like it... the glutionous rice in bannana leaf.. mmm just like ol chinese dim sum food... good thing u guys left the hotel.. and went back to saigon.. that brings chills down my back .. piss and blood.. and cockroaches.. ..neways looks like a great place to visit one of these days...