Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hey guys! It's 4 am in the morning right now and I can't go back to sleep so I'm gonna take some time to answer some of your questions:

HOW IS VIETNAM?: Vietnam is great.
IS IT STILL HOT AND ICKY? It's definatly humid right now but not that hot. It's been about 90 degrees but the weather is unpredictable. Like one minute it'll be nice and sunny, then all of a sudden there's a shower of rain!
ARE YOU STILL IN SAIGON? Yeah, I'm gonna be here until Wednesday... which is Tuesday over there?? iunno... I still don't get the time difference. haha.
AND HOW IS ANH TRIEUS FIANCEE? Well, her name is Chi Tim (like the color purple)

OMG the power just turned off. ahhh! and its hot! the air conditioner's off. AHHH im gonna die.. There's no windows in my room so its dark right now, and its like 4:30 am and i'm alone, typing. I'm so scared right now. The phone just rang and i picked it up, and it was an automator repeating "we wish you luck, it is time for your appointment." What appointment!? i would go down the hall to Anh Trieu's room.. but im sure the hall lights are off, too. I guess i'll just continue with the questions.

Anyway, back to Chi Tim. She's pretty and nice. She asks me if I'm hungry a lot.. even like 2 hours after we just ate. I know she's just trying to be nice, but I think half the time she knows my answer already. Sometimes, i just wanna reply to her by giving her the "iunno what do you think" look, but i dont think she'll take it the right way. haha, but she's cool. I think you guys will like her when she comes to America.

Yay the power just turned on! LIGHT! Air conditioning, yess.

How did you find this site? Well, it's pretty popular. I don't remember how exactly I first stumbled upon it, but it was a long time ago. Prolly, google?

The power turned off again. o wait.. it just turned on! oh no, now its flickering. ugh.. im gonna try to ignore it.

Now I'm gonna reply to your comments:

Daniel, what do you mean its gonna look ugly? What is gonna look ugly?
Chi Hai Au, thank you for letting me know the time it takes to do this is worth it. I appreciate it :D

I have to go to the bathroom but im scared the light might turn off again. Ughh.. i really have to go.. imma make a run for it.

Success! The light stayed on and while i was on the toilet, i was reading the packages of the toiletries (cuz there was nothing else to read that was in english) and look what the soap says: (iunno how to rotate it)

it says "TOURIST." haha, what a great way to make your guest feel welcome and accepted.


Unknown said...

How do you find time to do this blog??!?! The house is soooo quiet with everyone gone. = ) You still have my camera right?????!!! Anyway have fun.

btw, did you know there was a train crash in Chatsworth? It was horrible.

Unknown said...

your sandels being all icky and sweaty eww so how are you doing hope you have fun :]

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a glimpse of Vietnam.It felt like I was there at the wedding.
It's Leslie btw.
great work on the blog