Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 4 - Relaxin' and a Little Q & A

We all decided to take a relaxation day since we've been so busy the last couple of days and since mom and dad had just arrived. All I did the whole morning was watch tv, read, and go on my computer. No one wanted to eat breakfast so I had to go downstairs and eat all by myself.... i felt like such a loner :( . Later in the morning, I had some tropical fruits. It wasn't my first time eating them but these were special cuz they were grown in Vietnamese soil.

Mãng Cầu (Cherimoya) and Thanh Long (Dragon Fruit)
We went out to eat cơm gà (rice made with chicken stock) with a mixed combination of meats (chicken, pork, etc...), canh (soup), and some sides of kimchi.
We decided to order another plate of the meat combination followed by pig intestines stir-fried with veggies.

I had a lot of time on my hands so I made a video tour of my hotel room!

We had like 18 friends and family visit, so we all went out to eat seafood!! I forgot my camera though :( but you can pretend that i took these.

Plus 3 other mollusc dishes that i couldnt find the picture for. I guess you kinda have to have the stomach for it cuz a lot of the dishes looked unappetizing to the average American.

I went out with some of my cousins after dinner to the arcade and to do a little street shopping.. ughhh my vietnamese is soOo broken.. but i think im getting better at it. It's good that i'm practicing though cuz it'll help me excel in my vietnamese class next quarter. yay me!

Q & A :

Chi Han:

How do you find time to do this blog??!?!
I usually have time for it at the end of the day or if schedule allows, I work on it bit by bit as the day goes on.

btw, did you know there was a train crash in Chatsworth? It was horrible.
Yes, Thao told me. But Anh Trieu's Vietnamese slave friend (who is hanging out with us) heard about it on the news! So, I guess it was a pretty big deal if it traveled all the way to Vietnam, huh?

When are we gonna see your photoshoot? Well i had two photoshoots, the one in the video and one that was taken outside. The ones i took in the video didnt turn out so great :( so i didnt get any of those, but the ones i took outdoors were okay but i think its gonna take them a loooooOoong time to print them (like 3 weeks?)


Anonymous said...

this is so exciting!

Anonymous said...

i wanna see your photoshoot too!
but the way they made you pose in the video was kinda
contorted, ya know?

well anyways, imma be staying at your house for a few days!
and youre not gonna be there :[
how saddddd,

lovee you thyy and i hope youre having a great time over there :D


Anonymous said...

your hotel is coo btw when did you go to vietnam

Anonymous said...

lol daniel said when did you go to vietnam he is so out of the loop. anyways yeah we have termites so we might stay at ur house, i started breaking out a lot omg school has got me pimplefied. and i also have a bug bite on my cheek yay us. yeah im so jealous i wish i could be in vietname.:( ps i hate whenever i post a comment i have to verify that stupid letter number thing