Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 13 - Gator Fishing & Dinner Cruisin'

Today, we went to a very popular theme park in Vietnam called Suoi Tien. This place had everything. A zoo, water park, roller coaster and more, all in one.

We went go-kart racing and i rode a bumper car for the first time. It's harder than it looks! (I was stupid again and said bumper cars when it was actually go karting. Ignore me)

We went in the aquarium. I saw the biggest fish in my life, like 6 feet!. It was amazing
(at least i thought it was).

Then we went fishing for alligators. We fed them raw meat.
"Hehe, look at me! I'm a Thao, I mean a gator." (inside joke)
Here's a fun video of my catchings:

Later in the night, we bought some corn on the cob and corn stir-fried in sugar, oil, chili sauce, shrimp and more.

And we went on a mini-cruise to have a light dinner. It was a free ride with entertainment that took us around the lake for about an hour.

Look how snazzy it was.

We ate crab & asparagus soup with fried frog legs.

Here's one of the acts they did on the boat. Fire lady. She wasn't that good but, hey, its better than what i can do.

I bought a sheet of dried pressed bananas which was roasted by a lady. It was only 20 cents and I ate it while we checked out a book store.
Then we went home!


Anonymous said...

i cant see any of the pictures

Anonymous said...

i meant videos

Anonymous said...

lol, thats why i said the video is coming soon. youtube is being stupid right now

Anonymous said...

thatfire lady is weird lol
from kimberly

Anonymous said...

nice vids.. whoa.. the way ur bro was handling the meat to the alligators.. good thing the alligators didnt pull really hard that the pole would've dragged him with it.. thing happened to my uncle's friend.. he was fishin in santa monica..a fish or somethin.. dragged his fishing line with him too.. neways.. good stuff.. hey maybe u should be the asian samantha brown on the travel channel. XD..the amusement park looks nice..