Friday, July 2, 2010

Spanish Cuisine!

Let's talk food shall we??

Cutting straight to the chase, Spanish food is NOTHING like Mexican food. It's actually not as good. Nothing is spicy. Most things are actually more salty than anything since theres a lot of pickled/preserved things like olives and ham.

This is one of the dishes that the Spanish are known for. Paella. Its pretty delicious, kind of like a milder version of jambalaya. Just different meats or seafood cooked with rice and chicken broth.

They eat A LOT of ham here! Ham EVERYWHERE!! There's sections like this in a lot of the supermarkets with ham legs just hanging there.
They even have ham flavored ruffles!! What the....
Generally, the Spanish have a small pastry for breakfast and a coffee. Then late in the afternoon at around 3pm-ish, they have a big lunch. Many restaurants serve these big meals called "menu del dia" consisting of bread, 2 courses, and dessert.

This is course #1 at a restaurant i went to in Segovia. Eggs on top of a sweet marinara sauce. It was alright.. something I could have made at home.
Course #2. Fried Fish and a salad. Eh, Ba makes it better. hahah
Wannabe korean bbq and fries. The koreans make it better. lol The fries were acceptable though.
There's pastry shops / bakeries everywhere. Looks delish eh?


liltokix said...

hahaha Thy, you would do a post on their food :p come back with some legit Spanish recipes & share :)

Julie Chavez said...

Go to one of those tapenade bars Thy! You would be so critical on their cuisine...maybe you aren't ordering the right things?

Leslie said...

haha i'm having a lot of fun reading all this :) i just noticed your kid cousin (i'm guessing..) staring had you strangely in your blog photo from Vietnam. hahaha

Leslie said...

haha i'm having a lot of fun reading all this :) i just noticed your kid cousin (i'm guessing..) staring had you strangely in your blog photo from Vietnam. hahaha