Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bull Fight

Finally an update!
I went to a bull fight!
Did you know that the goal of the sport is to kill the bull? i didnt :(

First everyone comes out in front of the crowd.
The matador (bull fighter) starts off the first two rounds with a pink cape. With each round he stabs the but in the back of its neck
The third and final round he uses a red cape.

this is a dangerous sport. look how crazy it looks! The matador wants to irritate the bull so that its for dangerous and therefore more fun to watch and more admirable for the bull fighter.

This is a really good video after the bull gets its final stab in the back of the neck
It stands for a good 20 seconds, coughs up blood and falls.
Then it gets dragged away

Everyone is waving a white hankerchief to show that they thought it was a job well done :)

1 comment:

leslie said...

:( :( don't read this kimmi!