Thursday, July 29, 2010


Everyone loves McDonalds!

It seems like Europe loves it even more judging by how much money they put into their McDs restaurants.
Their menu is even a little better in Europe.

In Spain, their ice cream cones come with a kitkat! however, they cost 1 euro which is equivalent to $1.23.
I just realized, I can buy almost 3 cones for that price in the US.
You know a country's crazy about their alcohol when their McDonald's puts beer on their menu.
didnt drink it, I hate beer... only posin' for the camera.

You can order using a kiosk if the lines are too long!
Many of the McD's have their own cafe next to them. They sell specialty coffees and pastries.

I got a cafe au lait. This was in Paris by the way. Fancy shmancy!
They give you a wafer chocolate thingy to rid you of coffee breath. How nice :)
The McCafe's in France sells French Macarroons
What are they? Basically meringue (baked sweetened egg-whites) filled with flavored creams
This ones my favorite. Pistachio! I must say... this was the best one i've had yet, and it comes from McD's! Crazyyy

1 comment:

leslie said...
