Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Paris...

Hi! I went to Paris 2 weekends ago, did you know?

I loved it there! It's so cool the hear everyone speak French.. it makes English sound very unromantic. I wanna relearn French now!

They say the locals are usually mean to tourist, but everyone that i met was nice.

The Eiffel Tower with Chi Han and her friends. It was cold and raining.

We went to Versailles. This is Marie Antoinettes 3rd house located in her garden. Let me explain. Marie Antoinette lived with the King in Versaille but she was able to have King Louis build her a private estate in the back of the palace. Then she had another little cottage house in her garden/farm. What a lucky girl .

This is a fat pig that lives on her farm.. its really fat.
I dont think it can walk very well.. it probably has to roll around to get places. hahahhha.. im picturing it in my head. hahah!
Did you know that if you dont pick a artichoke, it blooms into purple flowers??
This is her little lake in front of her garden house. I wish i was her :(
Now this is the actual Palace of Versaille where King Louis XVI lived.

One of the many many rooms.
The amazing hall of mirrors. It was very shiny in there.
I wish i can put up more pictures but it takes too long. You can just imagine how grand the palace was knowing how much money went into building it.

Now french food.

Escargot. These were cooked for too long.. they werent slimey or anything, it was actually a little crunchy. I remember had better ones in Vegas.

Authentic French crepes. They were good. lol.. but i mean, eggs milk and flour can only taste so different in another country.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Everyone loves McDonalds!

It seems like Europe loves it even more judging by how much money they put into their McDs restaurants.
Their menu is even a little better in Europe.

In Spain, their ice cream cones come with a kitkat! however, they cost 1 euro which is equivalent to $1.23.
I just realized, I can buy almost 3 cones for that price in the US.
You know a country's crazy about their alcohol when their McDonald's puts beer on their menu.
didnt drink it, I hate beer... only posin' for the camera.

You can order using a kiosk if the lines are too long!
Many of the McD's have their own cafe next to them. They sell specialty coffees and pastries.

I got a cafe au lait. This was in Paris by the way. Fancy shmancy!
They give you a wafer chocolate thingy to rid you of coffee breath. How nice :)
The McCafe's in France sells French Macarroons
What are they? Basically meringue (baked sweetened egg-whites) filled with flavored creams
This ones my favorite. Pistachio! I must say... this was the best one i've had yet, and it comes from McD's! Crazyyy

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bull Fight

Finally an update!
I went to a bull fight!
Did you know that the goal of the sport is to kill the bull? i didnt :(

First everyone comes out in front of the crowd.
The matador (bull fighter) starts off the first two rounds with a pink cape. With each round he stabs the but in the back of its neck
The third and final round he uses a red cape.

this is a dangerous sport. look how crazy it looks! The matador wants to irritate the bull so that its for dangerous and therefore more fun to watch and more admirable for the bull fighter.

This is a really good video after the bull gets its final stab in the back of the neck
It stands for a good 20 seconds, coughs up blood and falls.
Then it gets dragged away

Everyone is waving a white hankerchief to show that they thought it was a job well done :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

More Spanish Foods

Here are some more examples of typical spanish dish

Almost every restaurant gives you free bread and if your lucky, a small appetizer thats probably has something to do with pork
First Course: smokes salmon and cheese on top of halved endives.
Almost everything is garnished with a drizzle of olive oil here. Notice the shininess
Another Example First Course: Cabbage, potatoes.. and iunno.. pork?
Another type if 1st course: Mushroom with garlic
2nd courseL: Grilled Salmon. This was really good.OO and this was really good too! Solimillo (sirloin steak) with Roquefort cheese sauce..
mmm the sauce...
Dessert! I think this was like a mix between a bread pudding and custard.. only it had a lot of coconut flakes inside
This is a very pupular Spanish Dessert, Natilla which is a custard with cinnamon topped with a Maria cracker. Its almost exactly like creme brulee but not.
Im gonna go to a bullfight this Sunday so thatll be my next post :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

World Cup Champions!!

How fortunate I am to be in Spain the year they become World Cup Champions for the first time!!! yay! These are some pictures of the parade the day after the game :)

I found these kids playing on the floor. They were se cute i just had to join in!

We decided to go straight the the stage and wait for the parade to get there. We were waiting for like 3 hours until we realized we'd rather join the parade to see them in person, even if we were super far away...
Some Spain spirited jets
This wasnt even half the pple that were there. We were still really early at this point.

This is my friends picture (i wasnt with her). she went straight to the parade instead of the stage so she got to see them earlier in the day.
So when we decided to leave the stage in search of the team bus, we got an even closer view!! Torres is the closest in the camera
Villa in the yellow hat

After we got really close to the players, Monica and I ran through a tunnel that was supposed to be blocked off and followed some Spanish guys into a side door and up a long flight of stairs. An alarm went off but we didnt care..

When we reached the door at the top, we popped our heads out and this is what we saw on one side:
And this was on the other side! The stage!! We were really close!

The people behind us were probably waiting there ALL day, like since the afternoon. We got there at like 11pm!

There were only camera people and security people who have special passes around us. They didnt even notice we didnt belong there!


Friday, July 9, 2010

Finals, here we come!

Spain's going to the finals!! Yay.

I went to the Real Madrid Stadium again to watch the Spain vs. Germany Semifinals :) and they won!!!! Here's a pic of a couple of my friends and I

At the end of the night, we headed back home passing by Sol, a square with a fountain. Crazy Spain fans were playing around in it getting everyone wet. Some random guy with a bucket of sandy water got me from behind when i wasnt paying attention :(

Here's the crowd going crazy after the winning goal

And this was the party in the streets right after the game. This country is all about their futbol :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No internet :(

Heyy i havnt been posting cuz ive been lazy and our internet doesnt work.
But here's a post just to let everyone know that i havnt forgotten about you!!

This is a picture from a really fun "discoteca" called Kapital. It's right down our street!
It's really fun here cuz they drop tons of confetti down at random times :)

Ummm.. here's me and some friends. lol. at the park.

This is some drunk guy passed out on the floor.. People drink a lot here.