Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All done.. i guess.

So I failed at my Spain Blog. Lol. I'm home now so if you guys wanna see pictures and stuff, let me know!

I posted like once every 2 weeks unlike when i was in Vietnam where i updated daily. O well..

Until whenever I get outta the country again. BYE!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I went to Barcelona last week (its in Spain) and that was pretty fun.

Gaudi is a modernist who has a whole bunch of art works thoughout Barcelona. Like this one:

Located at Park Guell. Looks like a gingerbread house.
i wanna eat it.
This is the entrance of the park

And here's me on my off days. Guess who I'm trying to be!
Dont know? Here's a hint
Hhahaha CORRECT! Asian tourists with their chunky cameras, ugly hats and big glasses.

This is the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's unfinished "masterpiece".
Theyre still working on it to this day
This is my hotel.. iunno if its worth mentioning, i just thought it was cool cuz it looks like a college dorm room
with a pool on the roof.
Anyone who knows me knows my love for yogurt. This is a really big danone yogurt restaurant

Right when you enter, theres a frozen yogurt bar.
Truthfully, yogurt places in Cali are so much better, we gots multiple flavors and crazy topping choices. They only have plain and a choice of like 6 toppings.
This is where you can order food.

I thought this was really cool. The drawing looks identical to the guy!
Pretty huh? I took this before getting onto the plane.